Quantum Diplomacy Game

Let's anticipate!

Quantum computing represents a complete change in the way computation has been practiced by humanity so far. For specific applications, quantum computers might, in principle, solve problems that are today intractable by conventional computers. How can we make sure quantum computing to benefit all in the best way? How to co-shape collectively the future governance of the technology?

This serious game on quantum computing multilateral governance brings challenges and opportunities to life in a fictional scenario. It is open to the public and designed to promote science diplomacy in an anticipatory, action-oriented, and inclusive manner and foster public-private partnerships. 


The Story.

The year is 2032. Large-scale quantum computing has been achieved, but the costs of running these systems are still too high for general commercial use. Quantum computers are capable of processing orders of magnitude more data, more quickly than conventional computers, making them suited for complex, computationally-expensive tasks. Several nation states have quantum computer systems operated by research institutions, but the technology is still inaccessible for most.

The Roles

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Bria Government
CTO Betude Corp
CEO Medormar Corporation
Minister of Science and Technology - Bria
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Lauze
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Solte
Vice-chancellor – Lauze National University
Wakke Ambassador to Lauze
Director of Lauze Patent and Trademark Office
Head of Physics Department - Bria National University
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Wakke
Managing Director - Ideas Commons
Policy Lead for Computing Technologies - UNESCO
Chief Executive of Bria Intellectual Property Office
Professor of Human-Centred Technology - Solte Technical University

How to play.

The Quantum Diplomacy Game is a unique and interactive role-play that runs for 2 to 3 hours in person, facilitated by an experienced and trained facilitator. Participants are presented with a future scenario involving large-scale quantum computing issues on a global scale and then guided back to the present to engage in an exercise within a group of eight to ten participants, discussing what decisions could have been made from the perspective of each assigned character.

The game participants take on the roles of scientists, policy makers and industry players and stakeholders.

15 - 30
Unique Role Archetypes
2 - 3

Host the game.

Do you want to raise awareness on this topic and share it with your organisation, government, students, and other audiences? All resources are free and available for download and your use from this website.

Join the journey.

Our game has been played since 2022 at the Geneva Science Diplomacy Week, UNODA Disarmament Fellowship, the Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America, CERN at the launch of the OQI, and at INGSA 2024 Kigali Conference, representing participants from over 80 countries.

Let us know where you are planning to run the event or if you have already hosted it. You can join this journey and help create an impact!

Our Partners

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Join the Future of Quantum Computing!

Learn about engagement opportunities

OQI Partners are institutions that benefit from peer recognition for their scientific contributions or impact expertise.


  1. Either have served as OQI’s spearheading partners during its incubation phase or have consistently engaged resources to OQI’s work as OQI members for at least a year
  2. Commit to co-shape the OQI’s unique value propositions for the three years of the pilot throughout the 4A’s​
  3. Are vetted by the OQI Advisory Committee
  4. Abide to OQI’s values and openness principles

OQI Members are institutions that benefit from peer recognition for their scientific contributions or their impact expertise.


  1. Have disclosed their governance structure
  2. Commit to actively contribute on at least one of the 4A’s assiduously for at least one year​
  3. Have appointed at least one expert from their institution as focal point of contact for OQI and contributor to its working groups
  4. Abide to OQI’s values
  5. Have submitted a complete membership form with supporting documentation and are vetted by the OQI Management Team
  6. Qualify for partner level after having demonstrated their commitment for at least one year​

OQI Friends are individuals (such as experts from the private or public sector, countries, citizens) who are committed to open science, inclusivity and all values as set out in OQI’s charter and associate themselves with the OQI.

Friends socialise the OQI to their communities.

Downloadable PDF version of Charter



The Open Quantum Institute (OQI) is a multilateral governance initiative that promotes global and inclusive access to quantum computing and the development of applications for the benefit of humanity. As a novel science diplomacy instrument, it brings together research, diplomacy, private sector and philanthropy stakeholders. OQI is hosted by CERN during its pilot phase (2024-2026).



Accelerating applications for humanity: Realising the full potential of quantum computing to have the widest possible societal impact by accelerating the development of use cases geared towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and succeeding framework , thanks to the combined forces of researchers, developers and entrepreneurs from academia and private sector as well as the United Nations, and large NGOs
Access for all: Providing global, inclusive and equitable access to a pool of public and private quantum computers and simulators available via the cloud
Advancing capacity building: Developing educational tools to enable everyone around the world to contribute to the development of quantum computing and make the most of the technology
Activating multilateral governance for the SDGs: Providing a neutral forum to help shape multilateral governance of quantum computing for the SDGs



Inclusivity, global scope
  • Enable people from all countries, regardless of whether they have any quantum computing capability of their own, to benefit from and to participate in the development of (i) quantum computing applications that address global challenges, in particular those that are closely related to their own specific challenges, and (ii) the multilateral governance of quantum computing for the SDGs
  • Share experiences, knowledge, and methods for the benefit of all, following Open Science best practice
  • Make openly available the results – outcomes of joint activities related to the OQI mission conducted by the OQI community – to society via open repositories and/or through the use of open licences
Focus on impact
  • Ensure that applications are developed for their quantum computing potential to tackle real-world problems that will benefit humanity
  • Consider and balance their ethical, legal, and societal implications
  • Enable everyone to participate free from individual, national, corporate or any other agendas
  • Develop applications with a technology neutral approach.
  • Foster a community of diverse expertise, backgrounds and geographies, enabled by international cooperation and diplomacy


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