OQI is partnering with the industry to provide open inclusive access to a pool of quantum computers and simulators via the cloud. The OQI thrives to ensure this pool is representative of all technology modalities and geographies.
Capacity provided by the OQI through its partners
Quantum computing technology is still under development, and multiple hardware modalities are being tested. Each of these hardware modalities has pros and cons; it is too early to identify which approach will lead to the best overall performance. The OQI provides access to a variety of devices and will support its users in selecting the most suitable ones for their application.
Contribute to quantum computing for all
Anyone can play a role in the journey to quantum computing. Whether you’re a team working on a quantum algorithm, would like to submit a topic for quantum computing impact or a quantum approach for consideration, or you would like to participate in another way to help the evolution of quantum computing to tackle global challenges, we would like to hear from you

As part of the Quantum for All initiative, GESDA has partnered with XPRIZE Foundation to develop a Quantum for Real World Impact competition.
XPRIZE Quantum Applications is a 3-year, $5M global competition designed to generate quantum computing (QC) algorithms that can be put into practice to help solve real-world challenges.
Competing teams will develop new applications for quantum computers that can address complex, global challenges in climate, sustainability, health and beyond.
Registration for prizes closes December 13th.